May 23, 2011

The Office - Parkour!

The Office - Parkour! - Video -

This video is posted for giggles and amusement, and as a dedication of sorts to my lovely half monkey son Cody. Cody practically climbed out of the womb...and has been scaling, climbing, jumping and vaulting everything and anything ever since!
He is a very acrobatic and talented little guy - who thoroughly enjoys giving his mother a heart attack! If there is anything close by that can be jumped on, leaped over, scaled across, or ran up..leave it to Cody to attempt. If there is a roof that is even REMOTELY accessible..that is where you will find Cody. A tree with a low enough branch to start his climb and he will be to the top before you even know he is missing. I will give him credit, he has never (knock on wood) broken a bone in all of his 13 years!
Recently he has been interested in Parkour...In simplest scientific terms, Parkour is a method of movement that focuses on maximum conservation of momentum in order to create a fluid and painless way to get from point A to point B. He has even taken lessons (I'm still trying to figure this one out) at a local park with a bunch of his friends given by a "professional traceur" Apparently that is what you call someone who does Parkour....who would've known!
One night we were at the movies and out in front there were these stone pillars, perhaps 3 feet high. Wouldn't you know it, Cody began jumping over them. There were maybe a dozen pillars in a row mind you. One after another he would place his hands on the top and then hoist himself over, do a little twist and move the next, in a very fluid motion! I guess he wasn't paying enough attention or his arms were a little worn out from jumping over the previous 10 that he didn't quite hoist himself up far enough to clear the last pillar and boom, smash, pop - Cody hit the pavement. Did this stop him, oh no! He was able to recover rather quickly and roll with the fall to make it appear that he "meant" to do that! He has really got the technique down, a pure Ninja! Now if I can only stop him from parkouring all over my cars...the dents are becoming very bothersome! I just cant help but wonder where he got all of his coordination from....he sometimes makes me believe in evolution!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that Ang decided to pull this up on Saturday.....hahaha!
