Back in Texas for almost a month...time flies! Not much has happened. The kids have been playing and enjoying life. Catching toads almost nightly, and then torturing the poor animals.
The girls come over quite regularly, which is exciting. It feels like they belong with we are almost complete when they are home. Jamie of course is working nights, almost every night. It is kind of a crappy schedule...but what do you do? His working his turn around has made it possible for me to stay home with the kids and be able to take care of our bills. He is such a great man, such a hard worker and so willing to take care of us. He's wonderful!
I try and talk to Tyler and Cody each day, but they're angry with me and really don't want to correspond with me quite yet. They are upset that I moved away from them. I think they feel like I abandoned them, even though they had the choice, I feel they are angry because I didn't chose to stay in Utah. One day I pray they will forgive me and be able to accept the changes that occurred in their lives. The decision was difficult, but I honestly feel like this is where I"m supposed to be, to be with Jamie. I wish and I pray that Tyler and Cody will chose to come here, but I"m not holding my breath. Maybe after they graduate....who knows what the future holds, anything can happen.
School starts on Monday - the kids can hardly stand it, they are so excited, and nervous. We finished up the shopping today - last minute items all squared away. Thank goodness...
Just taking it one day at a time... enjoying my new life and all that comes with it. Each day is an adventure, you just never know what's gonna happen!
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