August 20, 2011

Well isn't life just full of surprises! A serious update is in order.....
So Jamie and I...we're together. It happened relatively quickly after we were finished, it was all very strange. We started talking again, texting a little bit and a few emails, then there were phone calls, and before I knew what was happening there I was again, in a relationship with him.
The timing all came together, like it was meant to be. I had given notice to my landlord and was needing to move by the end of June, and Jamie had vacation scheduled for that same time period. One night while talking to him on the phone he asked me if I would come to Texas and be with him. Of course I agreed, but was scared to death. He bought a one-way ticket to Utah and emailed me the flight information. I began packing and getting ready to move to Texas with him....a GIGANTIC life changing event, can anyone really be "ready" for such an event?
He flew in, I picked him up from the airport, and my nerves finally started to relax!!
My kids were very excited to meet him, and of course they loved him from the beginning. We hung out for a few days at the house, finished packing, cleaning, and then loading the UHAUL......or Budget truck! We then parked the truck at dad's house and stayed a week with Marianne and Cory. That was an adventure! My back hurt from sleeping on that hide-a-way bed, the worst mattress EVER...
Then on the 5th of July we started our Journey (much later than we had wanted or planned) to Texas. The goodbye's were so hard. I don't think that I have cried that much in years....the tears were almost constant. Leaving my family was one of the hardest experiences I've had. I've been so close to them my entire life, and now I am thousands of miles away. I miss them all of the time and think of them often. Sometimes I feel like I've lost my best friend...I used to talk to Marianne daily, and now I maybe text her once a day. It makes me lonely.
But enough about that...lets continue with the journey.....
We drove for 3 days, the longest 3 days of my life. It was so tiring driving and our GPS took us on random exploratory roads....adding more time to our travels.
We ended up staying over night in Roswell New Mexico, which I thought would be so much more than what it was...hmmm. I loved that show when I was younger, and then I re-watched the series just last year. Somewhat disappointed. I assumed that Alien adventure was so much more that what it was...and would stay open past 9:00pm. Oh well - we had fun and got a goods night sleep!
We continued our journey and finally arrived home in Baytown, Texas around midnight on Thursday. What a relief! And that brings us to a new chapter in our lives.....

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